
Monday, August 5, 2013

Portuguese Tomato Rice

I've said before that Portuguese rice is an important part of Portuguese cuisine. It makes an appearance at just about every meal (if you're not having rice you're having potatoes). Having plain rice regularly can get boring so it's nice to put a little variety into your rice. I don't enjoy tomatoes, but I like this rice. This is a good way to sneak some lycopene into your or your kid's diet.

Portuguese Tomato Rice


2 tbsp. canola oil (or vegetable oil)
1/4 Vidalia onion, finely minced
2 medium red tomatoes, seeded and peeled
1 pinch garlic powder
1 Knorr chicken bouillon cube
1 cup long grain white rice
2 cups water
a pinch of salt
a pinch of pepper


  • Dice tomatoes into small cubes
  • In a medium saucepan, add the oil, onion, and garlic powder. Sauté over medium heat until soft
  • Add the tomatoes. Cook for about 2 minutes
  • Add the water. Crumble in the bouillon cube. Add the salt and pepper.
  • Add the rice. Mix. Bring to a boil. Taste to see if it needs more seasoning. If so, add more salt or pepper to taste. 
  • Cover. Turn the heat down to low. Cook for 20 minutes.
Source: A Yum Yums Original

Link Ups


  1. This looks amazing! I just found you over at Tuesday Talent Show and would love for you to come share at my From the Farm Blog Hop! It's a fun party that's just getting started for this week.

    Fresh Eggs Daily

  2. Oh I LOVE tomato rice! :) I've only ever made a Mexican version of it though! Your Portuguese recipe looks delicious! I followed you here from the Chef in Training link party & I'd like to invite you to come link up with me at Tasty Tuesdays:

    1. Thanks so much for your comment (sorry about the delay in responding, had some issues with getting the reply button to work on the blog) and your link up invitation. I'll definitely be joining in your link up! I've never tried Mexican tomato rice before, but I'd like to!

  3. Looks yummy..great recipe! Thanks for sharing at Share my Stuff Tuesdays :)

    1. Thanks so much for your comment and for hosting Share my Stuff Tuesdays! It's a great link up party!
